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Anime Club
Anime Foot-Prints

This is an anime club.{I'm stating the obvious x.x;}Well basically you e-mail me and I will put your name on the site.Members of the site will get a monthly bulletin on new anime/manga stuff,pictures,and site updates.


Elandtra- Leader {what else would I be...Toliet cleaner?}

Lady Raelyn- Anime Master

CricketSong-Anime Master!^^

Kittie Hawkins-Anime Master


Panra: Anime Lunatic!

Eric -Anime Fan





Giza Firestone:AnimeMaster

Sakura Ruki :Anime Fan

Zach- Anime Fan

Mikata-Anime Fan

Rarmorse-Anime Fan

How To Join:

All you have to tell me in your e-mail is your online name,e-mail address,and the anime or manga's your are intrested in.

The next 5 people get in easy but then you have to take my anime test!muwhahahahahaha!...Don't worry you tell me the anime or manga and I will base it around what you already know!^^But after that if you want to have a higher ranking then you have to solve my fun-stuff section!{but dont think because you fill out a billion of them you will ever get my spot!Sorry} You can always steal someone who does'nt show me there up to the..Challenge!


Leader - My spot so you can't have it =P

Anime Master: First of all this is a pretty high ranking!This position gets you first dibs on EVERYTHING!What exactly is everything might you ask? Like any chracter you like on my soon-to-be Online Rpg!

Anime Fan : Basically the normal ones e.e; This is an open spot for anyone who joins.To get a higher ranking form this spot takes a little bit.

Anime Lunatic: the positon is kind of like a bingo prize you never know when you will be promoted.It might just be that I am in a good mode!

Online RPG?

This little thing will be starting very very soon! To find out more go to the RPG section!