
Story Line | Miyori | Nurone | Leo | Enik | Elandtra | Graham | Kyu-Ohesti | Spherion | Allovatar | Ryu | Endio | Mesu | Nani | Kenten | Keiibo | Sinoto | Animage | Karden | Raven | Imtero | Tokage | Kirameki | Windred | Aku
Elandtra's Corner


Name: Spherion No Kai

Age: 100 years younger then Gaia!

Height: 7'1

Weight: 280


Sign: Uknown

Bloodtype: Bronze

Origin: Gaia

Race: Night Demon

Class: ?_?

Special Skill: Compound Bow

Element: Illusion

Magic: Usually Defensive....

Love Intrest(s):Mesu

Quote : "What is love? Love is a thing which cannot die,once given can not be taken back.It is everlasting,comforting and good.And there is never more then one."

Personality: Very Very VERY! nice. He is Kyu's constant companion and friend.Without Kyu,Sphy becomes enternally lost,confused and almost dazed.Sphy cares for the people around him and dislikes pain.So him and Kyu are a very intresting Pair.