
Story Line | Miyori | Nurone | Leo | Enik | Elandtra | Graham | Kyu-Ohesti | Spherion | Allovatar | Ryu | Endio | Mesu | Nani | Kenten | Keiibo | Sinoto | Animage | Karden | Raven | Imtero | Tokage | Kirameki | Windred | Aku
Elandtra's Corner

Name: Sinoto

Age: Older then Time.


Weight: 145

B-day: Unknown

Sign: Unknown

Bloodtype: Gold

Origin: Black Abyss

Race: Supreme God

Class: 2

Special Skill: Creating

Element: None


Love Intrest(s): None

Quote: "Enjoy your life for it won't last much longer...as the moon turns so does my blade."

Personality: Charming when he wants to be...he walks around with an air of complete disgust.He has determined that the only good way to see life is through alcohol.he loves his Sister Allovatar dearly...almost obssesivly.He is a good guy deep down...But over-reacts at times when he shouldn't.He is also very impatient and bores quickly.