| Welcome back to Origami 101! wrote a little green frog on the chalkboard. Hey, you look awfully familiar, said Goku as he squinted at his odd new origami instructor. Wait a minute! There was a guy I turned into a frog once! Captain Milk, wasnt it? Correct, wrote Captain Ginyu on the board as he glared at Goku. Then he went to the back of the room, typed in a code on the panel next to a titanium steel reinforced door, and put on one of those sterile suits people use in hospitals sometimes. Voice recognition, said a computer voice. Ribbit, said Captain Ginyu Then the door opened, revealing another key panel and a brick wall. After typing in another code and passing another voice recognition test, the brick wall rolled back to reveal yet another door, then another, then anotheruntil finally, about an hour later, Captain Ginyu came back out carrying a folded piece of paper with tongs. Everyone except Goku stared at him. Yea! My paper! Goku yelled as he ran up to Captain Ginyu and snatched the paper to his chest, wrinkling it horribly. Captain Ginyu looked like he was about to explode. Meanwhile, about five light-years away on another planet All right honey, dinner is ready! Ryoko said pleasantly as she brought a big pot of rice to the table. Good, said Vegeta. He still wasnt used to a woman actually being nice to him. He had figured all women were ashow shall we sayforcefulas Bulma. Vegeta and Ryoko sat down and reached for the rice ladle at the same time. They began glaring at each other. Let me have the ladle! I cooked dinner! said Ryoko. Well I just killed fifty thousand people today! Im hungry! Vegeta retorted. They began wrestling over the ladle. Soon their space ship was almost completely destroyed and the rice was cold. Fine then! You take it! said Ryoko. Vegeta, always ornery, said No- you take it! YOU! YOU! By now they were both tired, hungry, and determined not to back down, no matter what. I know! said Vegeta. Lets go back to earth and settle this at the Tenkaichi Boudaki. Thats coming up soon. Whats the Tenchi Boudoo? Vegeta explained, and after fixing their badly damaged spaceship, Vegeta and Ryoko set a course for earth, each still holding their half of the now almost unrecognizably dented ladle. Meanwhile, at the Gundam safehouse Okay, Wufei its time for your origami class Quatre said slowly, as if Wufei was a bit on the dim side. Heheheheheee orgamisha! Papee foldee maka birdeeeeeeeee! Heeeeeeehahahahaheeeeee Tweety tweety birdeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Duo looked at Heero, Heero looked at Trowa, Trowa looked at Quatre, Quatre looked at Duo, than they all looked at Wufei, who seemed to have gone completely insane. Then they wheeled him out the door on a wheel chair, as he was so drugged up he was temporarily unable to walk. Meanwhile (We like this word^.^) Wheres that cute guy with the long hair? said Sailor Moon as she dragged Mini Moon and Tuxedo Mask back into the classroom. Well, uhId help you look for him, butI think somebody just called for me! said Tuxedo Mask as he ran off to find Ayeka. Yeah! Me too! said Mini Moon as she ran off to find Gohan. Suddenly, Tuxedo Mask felt a tug on his leg. He looked down. Gotcha! said Tenchi as he grinnedumscarily (yeah, thats it!) at Tuxedo Mask. Tuxedo Mask began to wish he had stayed with Sailor Moon. Meanwhile OH NO! NOT AGAIN! REBEKAH! HELP ME! IM IN ANOTHER ONE OF ELIZABETH AND DESIREES STRANGE THOUGHTS! yelled Paul. Everyone turned to look at him. There were raised eyebrows and widened eyes everywhere, all staring at the non-anime person Paul, who was yet again beating on the door to the real world, which had been replaced with a titanium steel reinforced padlocked door, since the other one had had the doorknob sawed off Everyone had by now gotten to class except Vegeta and Ryoko, who were still fighting over the rice ladle as they speeded towards earth. Meanwhile Vegeta and Ryoko were coming down to earth when suddenly, the new and improved Nataku (which was on defense autopilot) blew poor Ryooki up. Vegeta and Ryoko, luckily, were thrown from it and crashed though the newly patched roof over the origami classroom. They were covered in debris and fried rice. And, amazingly enough, they were both STILL holding on to their side of a twisted piece of blackened metal (formerly a ladle). HA! AND YOU THOUGHT I WOULD LET GO WHEN RYOOKI BLEW UP, DIDNT YOU? Ryoko yelled at Vegeta. Oh, shaddup! he retorted. Oh, I love the way you tell me to shut up! Come here my short porcupine person! Ummeanwhile Sailor Moon walked up to Duo and started bothering him while he attempted to make a crane out of glue, feathers, and a little Sailor Moon doll. Ooh, its so cute! Lookie, its me! Do you really love me that much? she said. Duo glared at her. Look, he said. If I let you put your origami things in my hair, will you LEAVE ME ALONE!? Yes, Sailor Moon said sweetly. Sailor Moon began playing with Duos hair as he tried to ignore her. A couple of minutes later Oops! said Sailor Moon. AAHHH! said Duo as his hair came out of his braid and poofed all around his head. THERE WAS A REASON WHY I KEPT IT IN A BRAID, YOU KNOW! Duo fell out of his chair and struggled with his hair, which only got it more tangled up around him. Now we can be together forever! said Sailor Moon as she hugged Duo. Umno, said a now scared Duo. But if you help me untangle my hair IllIll Duo grimaced Gooutwithy-y-you! You will!? said Sailor Moon gleefully. Mmmmmmmmmmmaybe. Just get me out first. Okay! Now, if theres one thing Sailor Moon is good at, its untangling hair (heck, shes had a lot of practice at it), and in about five minutes, Duos hair was back to normalor so he thought, until he turned around AAAHHH! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??!! Duo screamed. Now well really be together forever! said Sailor Moon. She had braided her hair into Duos, and he was desperately trying to get it unbraided, but Sailor Moon was too fast. Meanwhile I like doggies! said Wufei as he looked at the other Gundam characters with a big, dopey grin on his face. Wufei was sitting at a desk in a straitjacket. Umwhat did you give him again? said Quatre to Trowa as he looked at Wufei with a worried look on his face. Lets see Trowa began ticking things off on his fingers. Zoloft, Prozac, angeldust, glue, marijuana, LSD, crack, heroin Trowa went on for about twenty minutes. Oh, yeah! And dope! he finished. Quatre, Heero, Relena, and Duo stared at him. What were you THINKING?! Were lucky hes still alive! said Duo. No wonder hes been acting weird, said Heero. I think I like him better this way, though, said Quatre. He was always ruining the mood. Besides, he seems to be getting along better with people now You have pretty hair, Wufei said to Zechs, who gave him a look that could have frozen Death Valley, the Badlands, the Sahara Desert, and the earths core in one fell swoop. Meanwhile Now where did that Tenchi go!? said Ayeka as she looked around the classroom. I hope he didnt go after that Mask guy with the really bad taste in clothes again. He knows were here to try and cure him! Uhhow could going to an origami class cure Tenchi? What does he have, anyway? said Sasami (she hadnt been at the last class). The advertisement said so, and Tenchi haswellits not fit for a little girl like you to hear, Ayeka replied. Youre always telling me that, said an annoyed Sasami. I dont see how an illness could be unfit for my ears. After all, I cured Kione of her mysterious illness in just one day, remember? Say-- where is Kione, anyway? She went off to find Ryoko and that porcupine guy she ran off with, said Mihoshi. Its too bad I got that illness the doctor said was from food poisoning the day she left Meanwhile Oh, no. Dont tell me were in this stupid class again, said Vegeta as he looked around the classroom. Oh, it isnt so bad, said Ryoko. Its where we met, remember? Ryoko gazed at Vegeta lovingly, and Vegeta (wonder of wonders!) turned a little pink. Umyoure Vegeta, right? said an oddly familiar voice. Vegeta turned round. It was the non-anime person Paul again! Yeah, what do you want? Uhcan Iumhave a chunk of your hair? Paul asked sheepishly as he held up a pair of scissors. Vegetas hands flew to his hair. My HAIR! What do you want with my HAIR! You disgusting real person! Do you have any idea how long it takes me to put this hair gel in everyday! Huh!? DO YA?! Now, just calm down, honey said Ryoko. Paul cowered in fear. Its just thatI used some of your hair that Sailor Moon pulled out to saw out the door last time, he said. And I thoughtmaybe I could saw out again? No way! Youll just have to find another way out. Too bad you REAL people dont have super powers, Vegeta sneered as he and Ryoko walked away. Paul hung his head and desperately tried to think of another way out when Oh Pa-ul! said an annoyingly familiar voice. No! I already have a girlfriend that isnt a freaky cartoon with blue hair! he said to Bulma. You dont like me! Bulma wailed as she burst out into tears. Where will it end?! Paul wondered. Meanwhile Now, all this had been going on while Captain Ginyu was getting Gokus folded paper. When Goku got back to his desk, he put his paper down and tried to fold it again. Suddenly, he noticed that it was wrinkled. Oh no! There are wrinkles in my paper! You put wrinkles in my paper, didnt you!? I told you not to put wrinkles in my paper! What am I going to do now!?! It took me the whole class to fold this paper! As Goku ranted on about how his paper was wrinkled, Captain Ginyu began to wonder if there was a connection between really powerful people and stupidity. So this is why Jeice had that nervous breakdown, he thought. And here I thought it was because of that incident with the paper cut... Meanwhile Gohan was sitting at a desk, staring dreamily at Sasami, his new crush. Sasami noticed and came over to him. Soon they were sitting next to each other with lovey eyes. Mini Moon was watching them angrily. That longhaired freak is gonna pay for this! she thought (how Mini Moon could call someone else a freak because of their hair I dont know). How dare she take my guy! Meanwhile Captain Ginyu was contemplating suicide. Goku was driving him absolutely INSANE. Suddenly, the padlocked titanium steel reinforced door swung open, knocking Paul to the ground. Jeice! What are you doing here?! Youre supposed to be at your How to Deal With Really Annoying People therapy! Captain Ginyu wrote on the chalkboard. Actually, I could use some of that myself he thought. I passed with flying colors! said a WAY to cheerful Jeice. And Im ready to start teaching again! Captain Ginyu gave Jeice a worried look. He wouldnt mind leaving Goku with himbut Jeice was acting a little too euphoric for his taste Suddenly, Captain Ginyu saw DB Bulma across the room trying to resuscitate a knocked-out Paul. Hey! thought Captain Ginyu. Its the girl whose body I stole that one timewait. Shes youngershe must be from before I possessed her! That means Captain Ginyu got what could have passed for an evil smile in his froggy face. He hopped over to where Bulma was giving CPR to Paul (who was just unconscious, but Bulma couldnt tell). I guess Ill just shut the door thought Captain Ginyu as he began to close the door. Suddenly, Paul woke up. NOOOOOOO!!!! he screamed as he leapt towards the door. *CRASH!* *THUMP!* Paul slammed into the door and slid down to the ground, once again unconscious. Oh, no! Paul! Youre unconscious again! said Bulma as she tried to wake Paul up. Then she turned to Captain Ginyu. How could you! Croak, said Captain Ginyu. Oh! Poor thing! You cant talk! said Bulma. But that doesnt excuse what you did! Now I have to resuscitate him again. Paul groaned in his unconsciousness. Oh, poor dear! Bulma tried to give Paul mouth-to-mouth. Immediately, Paul woke up. AUGH! he yelled. Lay off, you freak! Thats not how you do mouth-to-mouth! EWW! You dont use your tongue! Oops, Bulma giggled. I forgot. I NEED MOUTHWASH!!! Paul yelled as he began pounding on the door again. Meanwhile Let GO! Hes MINE! screamed Mini Moon as she pulled on Gohans arm with all her might. Oh no you dont! We were perfectly happy until YOU came along! Sasami replied as she pulled on Gohans other arm. Will you two let GO! I think youre going to pull my arms out of their sockets! Gohan pleaded. Vegeta, Tenchi, Tuxedo Mask, Heero, Trowa, and Duo were sitting around, watching, eating popcorn, and laughing their heads off. Meanwhile Paul slumped against the wall, totally exhausted. He had tried banging, body-slamming, cutting, dynamite, and a blowtorch, but none of it had an effect on the padlocked titanium steel reinforced door. Bulma, for the moment, was occupied by Captain Ginyu, who was trying to get her to make him a universal translator (like the one he used to switch bodies with her in the Freiza Saga). Suddenly, the doorknob on the titanium steel reinforced padlocked door turned and slowly opened. Dramatic music started playing and lights began flashing. Then, who should step in the door but * THUMP * Ouch! said the brightly-colored person who had fallen on the floor. Oh, no, groaned the narrator. Its Dan, the incredibly annoying non-anime Nebraskan who wears Hawaiian shirts all the time! What is he doing here?! He wanted to be in one of my stories, Lady Raelyn replied dully as she typed away on her computer, trying desperately to finish the story before her friends strangled her. And he wouldnt leave me alone until I did. Sorry. Thats okay, said the narrator. Just as long as he doesnt start singing Anyway, on with the story! Paul sat staring at Dan, the incredibly annoying non-anime Nebraskan who wears Hawaiian shirts all the time. How But But he stammered before once again going out cold. Yes! She finally put me in a fanfic! Dan said gleefully. Now Where are the girls? Dan rubbed his hands together and began scanning the room for possible victims. Meanwhile There you go, little froggy! said Bulma as she proudly put the universal translator around Captain Ginyus neck. Captain Ginyu immediately left Bulma to be harassed by Dan and looked around for someone to switch bodies with. Hmm he thought. Last time I switched bodies with Goku and it didnt work out too well Hey! What about Vegeta? I havent switched bodies with him yet! Captain Ginyu hopped over to where Vegeta was watching Duo struggle with Sailor Moon. Well, well, well, he said. It looks like we meet again! And this time, I WILL get your body! When Vegeta saw Captain Ginyu with a universal translator, he screamed and hid behind Ryoko. What is it! said an alarmed Ryoko (its not every day you see Vegeta cower in fear). Vegeta pointed across the room to Captain Ginyu. He wants my body! Ryoko stared at him. No! Not like that! The little frog wants to switch bodies with me! Can he do that? YES! All he has to do is yell change! Dont worry! He wont get by me! said Ryoko as she got out her light sword-thingy and tried to fend off Captain Ginyu. MUHAHA! You cant defeat me! CHANGE NOW! yelled Captain Ginyu. That funny red light appeared and everyone started to move in slow motion. Thinking quickly, Ryoko grabbed the most useless living thing she could she -- Wufei and thrust him right in front of Captain Ginyu. In a few seconds, it was all over. ARG! What have you done to me!? screamed the little green frog (now Wufei). I like kitties, too! said Captain Ginyu (apparently the drugs were having the same effect on him). Meanwhile Dan had been punched, kicked, spit at, bitten, scratched, and otherwise abused by every single female in the origami classroom. He couldnt have been happier. Lets see Whats my count now? Ive been rejected by one thousand, two hundred, and thirty-six girls so far. Thats got to be a record or something! Im gonna be famous! he thought. As Dan dreamed about fame and fortune as the most un-likeable guy in the world, he sat down next to Goku. Hi there! Goku said cheerfully. You must be new! Do you want me to teach you how to fold paper? Sure! replied Dan. Goku tried to show Dan how to fold paper, but suddenly found himself unable to remember the secret! Oh, no! I forgot how to fold paper! Goku wailed. Let me see if I can help said Dan. Goku and Dan were soon bent over the desk, trying to figure out the secret of folding paper. Suddenly, Jeice came up to the front of the room. Okay, class is over! he said. Everyone was gone before he finished the sentence except Goku, Dan, and Paul, who had been trampled flat and lay twitching on the ground. Dont worry, were going to get you guys back in your right bodies somehow said Quatre as he and the other Gundams wheeled Captain Ginyu and Wufei out the door. No! I havent folded my paper yet! Goku lamented. Thats okay. You can do it next class, said Jeice. WHAT! ITS THE END! SHE PUT ME IN AT THE END!? yelled an enraged Dan. I DIDNT EVEN GET A GIRL! Oh, shes gonna pay for this Definitely NOT THE END EPILOGUE Ha ha! You thought I had forgotten to put in Rebekah and Pauls little get together, didnt you?! Well, you were wrong! Here goes Paul slowly picked himself up off the ground. He saw Rebekah on the other side and began running towards her like last time. Basically the same thing happened, and Paul and Rebekah were left wondering whether they should start seeing psychiatrists. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MUHAHAHAHAHA! I FINALLY FINISHED! Ahem. Sorry it took so long. This one was harder to write, and a LOT weirder. Once again, Dexziy deserves half the credit. If youre wondering about Dan, the incredibly annoying non-anime Nebraskan who wears Hawaiian shirts all the time, he wanted to be in the story, so I put him in. Til next time! -Lady Raelyn