| Kay: C'mon Heero let me see your laptop. Heero: No it's mine youcan't touch it. Trowa: Kay, just leave him alone. Kay: Fine, I just wanted to see his laptop. Trowa: So, you have your own computer. Kay: I know but I wanted to see his laptop. Heero: Ok enough with the laptop, junk, I'm trying to find Duo he still owes me twenty dollars. Kay: If I tell you will you let me see your laptop? Heero: Sure why not. Kay: Yay, Duo's in the kitchen. Heero: You mean to tell me I've been online for four hours looking for people who know where he is and he's in the kitchen? Kay: You bet. That's where he is. *smiles innocently, with fingers crosses behind her back* Heero: Thanks Kay, yuy aren't that bad after all. *leaves for kitchen* Kay: *evil smile* Your welcome, now I can finish sending James that email. Trowa: *eyes Kay* Duo's not in the kitchen. Kay: I know but I was just sending James a program Heero downloaded, called, "How to operate your Gundam" Trowa: *eye twitches* Oh ok. Heero: *very angry* Kay!!!! Duo's not in the kitchen! Yuy lied, now yuy are dead meat. Kay: *Panics* *thinks to herself* 'Oops, I didn't think he'd get this mad' Heero: *runs towards Kay pulling out his gun* Trowa: Kay, Yuy've done it now. Kay: *kisses Trowa on the cheeck* I have a plan, I hope he'll buy it though. Trowa: *rolls eyes* Ok if you say so, but I am not geting in the middle of this. Kay: *to Trowa* Ok. *to Heero* Well, Heero I didn't just say he was in our kitchen did I? Heero: *Pauses* No, but you didn't tell me that so you are still dead meat. Kay: *very paniced* *gulp* *runs in Trowa's direction* Later Trowa-san. Trowa: *now aggravated with Kay's childness* Later. Heero: *runs after Kay* Come back here you baka. Kay: Hay I'm not a baka! Heero: *catches up to Kay* Kay: Ah! Got two go everyone Ja ne! Heero: Come back here so I can teach you not to lie to Heero Yuy. Espeacially if he's busy on his Laptop. |